Build a CNR 1929 Boxcar
Beginning September 7, 2022, Bill Davis will be building the Sylvan Scale Models’ CNR 1929 Boxcar in both HO and O Scale and will talk about the differences between the two. This kit is an accurate representation of the CNR 1929 single sheathed, seven panel, dreadnaught end boxcar. Our one piece body casting makes this kit easy to assemble, so you can build up your fleet in no time. Grab irons, ladders, brake gear, and our own Sylvan Decals are included. Less trucks and couplers.
The model is available in HO and O Scale and will be offered at a 10% discount off the price of the kits for “New tracks” modelers when the code word New Tracks is used when ordering. You can contact Sylvan Scale Models HERE.
Part 1 – Introduction – the car was built by 3 different companies, they were 40′ long, Dreadnought ends, wood/steel doors and had Hutchins dry lading roofs. Quick review of the kits – September 7, 2022
Part 2 – Work begins on the doors, grab irons, tack boards, end detail and underframe – September 14, 2022
Part 3 – Adding the roof walk, underframe brake gear and brake wheel assembly – September 22, 2022
Part 4 – Install the ladders, steps and start the painting – October 5, 2022
Part 5 – Lettering, weathering, final assembly and HO O scale observation – October 12, 2022

Bill Davis Sylvan CNR Boxcars O and HO scale
Bill Davis’ “6 Steps for Decals”
- Spray a gloss coat
- Cut out decals
- Apply the decals
- Set decals
- Spay a gloss coat
- Spray a flat coat
Bill Davis’ “Weathering Tips”
Materials for Weathering
- Oil Paints
- Acrylic Paints
- Chalks
- Pan Pastels
- Water Color Pencils
- Make Up
- Dry Pigments
Techniques for Weathering
- Salt
- Hair Spray
- Dab
- Dry Brush
- Air Brush
- Washes