The S Scale Resource Oct/Nov 2022 Volume 9 No. 1 is available to read (If direct links fail, use links on the magazine “Bill of Lading”/contents)
5 News You Can Use – New Items of Interest
- TT-West finished a new set of decals specifically for the Specification 486 boxcar kit Simon Parent sells.
9 2022 Buffalo CanAm NASG Convention
By Daniel Dawdy
- …this was the first time Amy and I spent the entire week at the convention. Unlike O scale nationals, this event spans five full days of activities, three of which are before the trading floor is even open. It’s much more of a social event than anything else
13 The Way Back Machine – My S Gauge Beginnings
By Dick Karnes
- A look back at Dick’s journey through S Scale beginning from his first American Flyer set at 10 years old.
18 A Tale of Two Buggies – Modeling Boston & Maine Cabooses in HO and S Scales
By Wayne D. Hills
- Van, Way Car, Cabooses all had different names on different railroads. When I worked for the Boston & Maine Railroad we called them buggies. This project began in early February, 2022 as my brother’s birthday approached…
38 NewTracks – Modeling with Mentoring from Talented Model Builders and Even from Modelers in Other Hobbies
By Contributing Editor Jim Kellow MMR
- “New Tracks” Announcements. NEW SHOW:
- “New Tracks” has started a new, bi-weekly live series called: Modeling Lifestyles…Each show will introduce you to a different featured guest modeler along with some of their friends. Hear them discuss their modeling, share stories of their modeling experiences, and give their opinions about the hobby…
- If you watch our “New Tracks” shows, we need you to be part of the team that makes them happen…Contact me at and let’s discuss.
- NewTracks” MY BUILD Sponsored by The Model Railroad Resource, LLC.
Chris Coarse of Conowingo Models is our host for this series…
- …photos modelers shared on our recent August 17, 2022 My Build…
Martin Brechbiel On30 – tank car, Bob Davidson Log House of the Haudenosaunee Tribe, Tony Dixon International Harvester Tractor, Dmitry Voronov from Ukraine Military railway car w/tank (Card and paper model)1/43 scale, Bob Farquhar Bar Mills Clark’s Sticks, and Jeff Jordan Window treatment discussion
- New Weekly Wednesday Show Segments:
- Women in Modeling: …“Petticoat Junction News”…Kristen Kmecik…will introduce women who are talented model builders who could become your mentor, and who are helping to make our hobby great…
- Local NMRA CLUBS and DIVISIONS Sponsored by the NMRA
…This new segment is based on my personal experiences and is my answer to how you can find a local mentor and meet some great people in the process…Phil Edholm…to lead this segment…We will be inviting NMRA Divisions and clubs from all over the world to talk about what activities and mentoring opportunities they offer…
- Let’s Go To Our Local Hobby Store Sponsored by the National Retail Hobby Stores Association (NRHSA)
Starting October 19th, Mark Poggendorf…will moderate a monthly segment concerning common issues facing hobby shops and modelers…
- Remote Switching Layout Operation:
On July 13th, Heath Hurwitz showed us his small, 48″ x 10″ switching puzzle he calls Human[c]ity Junction, a variation on John Allen’s Timesaver. What makes this layout special is that it can be operated 100% remotely. One “New Tracks” viewer will have the opportunity to operate the layout…over the Internet…
- “New Tracks” Build Alongs:
- CAD Design 3D Printing with Earl Hackett
…Once you get the parts needed to build the bridge, everyone will be able to Build Along with him. To give everyone time to get all the parts made, we anticipate this will start on the September 28 Zoom show for 4 shows.
Starting September 7, 2022, Jeff Adam, owner of Motrak Models, and Greg Cassidy will team up to build the Alton Fire Station in S scale…
Starting September 7, 2022, Claire Gilbert, the owner of Sylvan Models, will have his CNE 1937 Boxcar kit built by Bill Davis…
Starting October 26, 2022 Jess Dozier, owner of Hangman Creek Dioramas, will build one of his kits. The Diorama Kit is called “Log Boat at Lame Deer Mill”…
Starting November 16, 2022, Alan Rogers, owner of New Creations Victorian Railroad Buildings will begin a Build Along of his kit, the St. Mary Star of the Sea Catholic Church of Ocean City, Maryland…
Starting November 23, 2022, Michael Groves will begin a Build Along project using his Lighting Without Wiring system…
Starting December 7, 2022, Richard Rands, owner of Berkshire Valley Models, will join with Bill Davis to build his kit of the Walsh/Duncan Bay Window House in Animas Forks, Colorado…
Starting January 4, 2023, Frank and Natalie Saladino, owners of Mudd Creek Models, will build one of their kits….
Starting February 22, 2023, Atlantis Models owner, Peter Petri, will build an O scale gasoline Truck…
- Other Regular Modeling Segments on our Shows
These segments are meant for modelers who want to share their modeling efforts and discuss their modeling techniques so others can benefit…
- Ask Your Modeling Question
These are segments where viewers can ask modeling questions and get answers from other modelers on the show…
Modelers build kits from our distant past that are either no longer manufactured or hardly available…
- Now, lets meet some talented modelers:
- Péter Lajos Bulkai from Hungary…a teacher of Biology and Chemistry, husband of an understanding wife and father of four children…
…I have been seriously involved in railway modelling for 25 years, first as a member of a modelling club (Baross Gábor Railway Modelling Club, Veszprém) during my university years, and then as a founder of the Arrabona Railway Modelling and Railway-fan Club in my home town…
During the past two decades I have built or transformed (how do you say a custom model damage, and rebuild to an another type of vehicle?) many Hungarian-related vehicle models and field table accessories, partly for myself, partly for friends and acquaintances….
Modeling the railways were part of my childhood, my father gave me my first circular railway when I was 3 years old…
…the scarce economy of Hungary at that time (we are talking about the last years of communism) it was difficult or impossible to get most of the railway modelling accessories, and money was needed for other things in the family than modeling.
So I learned very early on that if I wanted something to go with the small trains…I had to produce it myself.
Have you ever seen someone wearing a T-shirt that says, “Still Plays with Trains”? I’m that guy. I’ve been interested in “modeling railroading” since age 5 when my dad let me play with his American Flyer trains.
I am primarily self-taught from magazine articles, books, and a healthy dose of trial and error. The most influential book in my library dates back to a 1969 birthday gift from my Aunt Lucille, “The Complete Book of Model Railroading” by David Sutton.
Playing with trains also contributed to my career in electrical engineering and eventually computer avionics for commercial aircraft.
On the suggestion of a co-worker, I tried out S Scale and never looked back. I love its heft and feel in my hands. And when built as an eye level layout, S Scale offers the ability to become truly immersed in the illusion of reality.
…The establishment of my architectural modeling business, Mainenti Miniatures, is somewhat nebulous…I began building models for customers and Mainenti Miniatures was born, named after my maternal grandfather. Mainenti Miniatures specializes in the modeling of historic structures, as well as multi-structure dioramas such as small towns.
American Flyer and Me – Part One
When I was about 5 years old (and my sister Katie was 3), Santa Claus brought us an American Flyer electric train…
When I was 14, we moved from Connecticut to Santa Barbara, California and the train set was taken down from its base, packed up and moved with us. As far as I can remember, we never used it again until I had married, moved to Minnesota and had my own two daughters…I tried setting it up for the girls, but they never seemed very excited about the trains, so I packed it away again until I had retired from teaching and my granddaughters were about 7 and 10 years old…
The first thing I decided was that, to be fun, it had to be set up where it was accessible at any time – not just Christmas…
62 Scene Around the Layout
By Michael Tricker
- I attach a picture of a a PRR, EMD SW-1200 switcher between duties outside the 42nd Street warehouse on my S scale layout…
63 What’s on your Workbench?
By Tom Dempsey
- A fellow member of the S scale round robin club purchased a Southwind Models Consolidation from the estate of a deceased member of the local S Scale community. It sat on his shelf for a few years and then he decided to sell it to Doug Sassman. Doug models scale with high rail wheels, and this model was built AC High Rail. I was asked to assist on converting the model for Doug’s layout…
66 What’s on your Workbench II
By Jim Kindraka
- Wouldn’t be a convention without something new, right…?! Here is a photo of the UPCX decals I’ve been working on, applied to one of Simon Parent’s boxcar models. They are correct for that model, Universal Portland had 300 of the 8′ 7″ USRA-design Spec 486 boxcars built in 1923.
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