Build Along with Brian Bollinger from “BEST”

Build A Kit with BEST
With this offer each kit WILL INCLUDE a package of shingles to complete the roof. The shingles that will be included will be Dark Gray 3-Tab (Item 3042). That will be enough to finish every kit except for the Small Stable (Kit C above). If you choose the stable and do not have spare shingles laying around from another kit you will need to purchase 1 addition package of shingles.
These kits will also INCLUDE interior walls with tab and slot construction to make these kits easier to put together. This is not something these kits come with normally. This is just for the Jim Kellow special.
During our build time I will try to build both a small stable (C) and an Anaconda Shack (D). Rather than teach a step-by-step build-along I will try to teach the techniques I use that can be applied to any model. So no matter which model you choose for this build-along the lessons will apply to your building process.
To be prepared for the build-along here is a list of additional items I will be using to complete the models:
– Pen knife.
– Wood glue (I prefer yellow carpenters glue but white glue will work also)
– Vetero, Aged Barn Wood. (India ink / alcohol wash will work just fine)
– Elmer’s Rubber Cement.
(It needs to be relatively new/fresh – partially dried up tacky glue will not work)
– Masking tape.
– Paint – what ever you want to use to paint your structure.
I will use spray paint because I am lazy. Acrylic craft paint will also work fine.
– A light green acrylic paint to represent moss on shingles.
– Black acrylic paint if your kit has a chimney.
– Wooden spring loaded cloths pins to hold the outside walls to the inside walls
while the glue is drying.
– Rubber bands to hold the walls together while the glue dries.
– Weathering powders/chalks. I use prefer Bragdons; Dust Bowl Brown, Weathered Brown, Soot.
– I may use 2″ angle plates as weights or to keep buildings square/plumb.
– A small plastic bag about 4″ big filled with sand or BBs.
It helps weight the roof down while the glue is drying.