Our Best Wishes for a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year 2024
Welcome to our First Monthly New Tracks Modeling Observations Newsletter. I’m your Editor, Martin Brechbiel, MMR, and I’m here to field questions and suggestion for this newsletter. Send those toMy email at the end of our newsletter. If you want to write an article about any aspect of model railroading, just contact me directly at that same email address.
I can’t believe 2023 moved so fast! We have already finished with Thanksgiving and are now looking forward to Christmas with our families and a great start to the 2024 New Year. All of us at New Tracks Modeling wish everyone a Happy Holiday season, a safe and prosperous New Year, and fun and success with every one of your Modeling projects. – From Jim Kellow, MMR
New Organizational Sponsors for New Tracks Modeling
Thanks to our new Sponsors for their financial support to help pay for Shows, Zoom, YouTube, and related out of pocket costs.

Brennan’s Model Railroading

National Association of
S Gaugers

O Scale Central Association

National Capital Trains

Mainline Hobby Supply

New Creations Victorian Railroad Buildings, LLC
Regularly Scheduled Segments that can be seen on New Tracks Modeling
Modeling Around the World – Japan
The internet and the expansion of world trade and travel result in growing international interconnectedness in all facets of modern life.
From the perspective of model railroading and as a long-time dealer and modeler, I observe a growing U.S. interest in foreign trains stemming in large part from Americans traveling for work or tourism. Many Americans, including my customers, identify with and approve of international rail systems moving people efficiently and cost competitively. This trend is prevalent in Japan and Europe and emerging throughout East Asia, including China and Taiwan. Another factor is that many Americans retain a level of nostalgia for travel by passenger train.
The model railroading community is embracing foreign trains, particularly N scale Japanese models because they provide a number of opportunities. The wide variety of product offerings enable model railroaders to select products ranging from 10 car Bullet Trains to small, narrow radius trolleys and trams. N scale allows for small spaces which in turn enhances layout possibilities. Available and growing technology allows modelers to operate with Digital Command Control, sound, and extensive lighting features. These trends also reflect current society with the emphasis on “smaller is better” and reliance on technology that goes far beyond the old analog modes.
In the next few months, I look forward to sharing with the group international experience and developing a dialogue with interested parties.
Scratchbuilder’s Corner
by Martin Brechbiel, MMR (Martin.Brechbiel@newtracksmodeling.com)

Scratchbuilder’s Corner presents on a weekly basis all aspects of scratchbuilding primarily with wood as the medium to build structures and rolling stock, and other materials such as styrene, brass, and resin. Intentions here are teach techniques and “tricks” that can be adapted into your scratchbuilding projects working up from simple through increasing complexity. Segments in October and November have introduced some basic structure building projects. November going into December will present an unusual rolling stock item, a substation car that crosses over into traction modeling. Thereafter, another step forward and upward in the structure building series will follow in 2024.
New Tracks Modeling Mentoring Scholarships – For Modeling’s Future
by Bob Davidson, Chairman of New Tracks Scholarship Committee (NTMMS@newtracksmodeling.com)

In 2023, New Tracks Mentoring, Inc. was formed as a Florida 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation to provide financial assistance in the form of scholarships to model railroaders and other modelers pursuing a STEAM related college degree or technical school credential.
Our first scholarship was awarded in August of 2023 to Ethan Bernstein, who is currently a junior at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD. Ethan is an active modeler and member of NMRA. You can learn more about Ethan on the New Tracks Modeling You Tube channel.
Right now we are on track to award at least $4,000.00 in scholarships for the 2024 2025 academic year. You can help make this possible by making a tax deductible donation. The simplest wayis to go online to newtracksmodeling.com and click on the Scholarship tab at the top of the page. You can donate either through the Zeffy portal or by sending a check. Either way, 100% of your donation will go to the scholarship fund. Any donations under $80 made before January 1 up to $1000 total will be matched by an anonymous donor, so please make your donation soon!
Please donate any amount you can to our New Tracks Modeling Scholarship.
It’s easy just click on the link: https://www.zeffy.com/en US/donation form/038439bf a552 44e2
9b46 ef54aaa0e274
Also, if you know of a high-school senior or college student who is or will be pursuing a STEAM related course of study, encourage them to apply for the scholarship. Applications for the 2024-2025 scholarships will open on January 1, and can be viewed under the Scholarship tab at https://newtracksmodeling.com/