Build along the “First Timer Bar” from Downtown Deco
On March 27, 2021 Clark Kooning MMR will begin to build a great starter kit called First Timer Bar. This little kit is a great kit by Downtown Deco, a great little company which is owned by Randy Peacock.
This kit is not a laser kit, it is a Hydrocal kit. Hydrocal is a plaster that has been poured into a mold that was made from a highly detailed master carving. Clark will walk you thru the steps to build a great starter kit. We will explore sealing plaster, basic assembly, learn to paint brick and other masonry items
There is no time like the first time for anything & that includes building your first hydrocal kit! Designed with rank beginners in mind, this kit features simple construction but amazing detail.
The instructions for this one were specifically written for beginners.
Try one, you’ll like it! 1 1/2″ x 4″.
N scale DD2017 $24.95
HO scale DD1053 $29.95
O scale DD52 $39.95
This is a suggested list of tools that may be required to participate fully in the hands-on portion of our program. In order to allow you to fully take part in the building of models, you are strongly suggested to have all tools listed. You, however, may not use them in the program but will have them for future building. Most of the tools listed can be found at your local hobby shop, hardware store, or craft store. Please note bring any tools you usually like to use, you may not use all tools listed. If you have any problems with the description of items listed please contact Clark Kooning, MMR.
Yellow Carpenter’s Glue
Elmer’s White Glue
5-minute Epoxy (optional)
Sandpaper – 80 and 120 grit
Hobby Knife – Xacto #11 blade
Emery boards or sanding sticks
1/8 Drill bit — Pin vise for bit
000 Steel wool
Assorted flat paintbrushes need 1- 1 inch wide
Cheap acrylic craft paint. List suggestion only:
Apple Barrel, Craftsmart and Cermacote are similar brands & have similar colors.
Choose whatever is available to you:
Folk Art Terra Cotta or a similar orange color
Brown, Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna
Flat black, Flat White, Flat Red
Light grey or similar for concrete color (Woodland Scenics concrete works well too)
Spray Can Paint: Krylon Matt Clear
1/8 cup of Hydrocal
Or any other tools you usually use…Optional tools: Optivisor, extra work light, these are handy tools which you could use in our clinics, but it is not essential you buy them just for this project. Please note an updated tool list may be asked for during the build
As a special for those doing the clinic, Randy has offered to send extra walls and another set of signs for a different little business so really you’re getting 2 kits for 1 price.
To order the kit:
Please order the kit for your scale online at
Then send Randy an E-mail at
Build Along with Clark Promo – March 17, 2021
An overall view of the upcoming project Downtown Deco “First Timer Bar” and how to order the kits for your to build along.
Update only – Required materials – March 24, 2021
Part 1 – March 27, 2021
In part 1, we will look at the first steps of building a hydrocal Kit, cleaning parts, and sealing.
In addition to the basic construction of the structure walls.
Part 2 – April 03, 2021
A look at how we will paint the structure Stains, washes, and weathering
Part 3 – April 10, 2021
A look at signs and doors for our project the “First Timer Bar”
Part 4 – Finishing the project – April 14, 2021
We will review our signs, then give tips on roofing, doors, and adding some small details to finish our “First Timmer Bar”
Build Along pictures and the finished “First Timer Bar”
The Finished Model The “First Timer Bar”

Chris Kooning MMR – HO Model

Chris Kooning MMR – HO Model

Chris Kooning MMR – HO Model
My Build with Clark And Chris Course – April 21, 2021
A look at some models who built along with our kit from Downtown Deco