Welcome to New Tracks Modeling!
New Tracks is an exciting new digital opportunity to obtain mentoring to help you improve your modeling. You will meet talented modelers and manufacturers from all over the world who will share their model building expertise and artistic advice. New Tracks Modeling is open to all modelers of all skill levels in any scale or gauge.
New Tracks Modeling meets every Wednesday evening at 7pm Eastern/4pm Western and features recurring segments all geared to the modeling hobby:
- Quick Tips: Neat ideas that help solve modeling problems. You can learn more here.
- Bits & Pieces: See creative ways to use everyday objects. You can learn more here.
- Watch Me Build: Tools, techniques & tips. You can learn more here.
- Clubs & NMRA Divisions (Bi-Weekly): Mentoring resources from the NMRA. You can learn more here.
- Build-Alongs: These live, hands-on segments allow you to construct various models along with mentors. Discounts are available from the manufacturers. You can learn more here.
- My Builds (Monthly): Share your building efforts with fellow modelers and have some fun doing it. Finished models and works-in-progress are welcome. You can learn more here.
Wednesday New Tracks shows are live on Zoom and YouTube so be sure to subscribe. By subscribing to New Tracks Modeling, you’ll receive email notices containing links to both the Zoom and YouTube presentations.
Other New Tracks Programs:
- Every-other Thursday (on YouTube only) New Tracks presents “Modeling Lifestyle” where featured modelers discuss their life in modeling, share some of their favorite stories and help all of us improve our modeling skills. You can learn more here.
- Our Youtube page (www.youtube.com/@NewTracks) features hundreds of how-to and other informative articles to enhance your modeling skills. Subscribe and click the bell today!
- New Tracks Modeling has created the “New Tracks Modeling Mentoring Scholarship”, an independent program to assist young modelers pursue STEAM education after high-school. You can learn more here.
Help Support New Tracks Modeling
New Tracks Modeling is an all -volunteer organization. Once you subscribe and have had a chance to see all the benefits of New Tracks Modeling, we hope you’ll help to support our programs through a donation to our Patreon account. Click below to help us continue our work mentoring modelers.

Jim Kellow, MMR
Hello, I am Jim Kellow MMR and I founded “New Tracks Modeling” with the help of many Manufacturers and Individuals to introduce some of the most talented model builders in the world to model railroaders who want to gain new skills and/or improve their model building. You may be fortunate and gain a personal mentor to work with.
You will find many sources of modeling information as you explore this website. Over 4 years of my “New Tracks” series about modeling and mentoring in “S Scale Resource” and “O Scale Resource” online magazines is included. Also, you can find our weekly, Zoom/YouTube live streaming Mentoring meetings, which are held Wednesday Evenings at 7 pm Eastern and Saturday afternoon at 1 pm Eastern Time. The shows feature modelers actually building models and in some cases You are encouraged to “Build Along” with these modelers and have their guidance and help in completing your model. In essence, they become your personal mentors for the build. You can find over 500 videos of our previous shows in the YouTube Playlist TAB on the menu.
To join our Zoom shows you must subscribe to this website to receive the Zoom login Links weekly. If you prefer to watch live on YouTube you must subscribe to our YouTube channel, New Tracks Modeling, and ring the bell.
Jim Kellow MMR
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Jim-Kellow-MMR-107123997469688/
Web Site: https://newtracksmodeling.com
APMM Model Railroading Ambassador: Modelmakers.org.
Member Hobby Manufacturers Association: hmahobby.org.