Allen Littlefield
Our first modeler featured on our Modeling Lifestyle show was Allen Littlefield on June 6,2022. It is an honor to know Allen and have seen some of his outstanding modeling in On30. Allen is not only a modeler who needs to be heard and learned from, he is also to be recognized as a major artist, historian and promoter of model railroading, and particularly On30 modeling. To watch the complete Modeling Lifestyle show with Allen Littlefield go here.
Here are some of Allen’s magnificent models that he has build and kit-bashed over the years.

Allen Littlefield’s 0-4-0 tank loco

Allen Littlefield’s W&W Rail truck

Allen Littlefield’s favorite conversion

Allen Littlefield’s Xeodon wagon Kit build

Allen Littlefield’s Bridge Creek M-1

Allen Littlefield’s EBT half filled tender for #11

Allen Littlefield’s EBT #11 with printed boiler and cab. Kit-bashed from a mogul.

Allen Littlefield’s Bachmann kit-bash On30 4-4-0 to a inspection loco. July/Aug Gazette 2013

Allen Littlefield’s kit-bashed Bachmann Porter to inspection loco “Muriel”. Nov/Dec Gazette 2012

Allen Littlefield’s Forney kit-bash with slope back tender

Allen Littlefield’s Mogul kit-bash to an 0-6-0T. Jan/Feb Gazette 2001

Allen Littlefield’s Mogul #20 featured in Narrow Gauge Gazette 2000

Allen Littlefield’s Boulder Valley Hopper Kit build.

Allen Littlefield’s first On30 model using an HO A3 switcher. Man/Jun Gazette 1987

Allen Littlefield’s Critter using a Bachmann On30 Streetcar mechanism

Allen Littlefield’s Forney bash to 2-4-2T tender plantation loco. 2019 On30 Annual

Allen Littlefield’s conversion called “Chunkabunks”. 2007 On30 Annual

Allen Littlefield’s EBT short rails using a Bachmann HO ballast spreader Mechanism for motive power.

Allen Littlefield’s Forney conversion to On30 “Little Joe” dockside switcher. October 2008 Railroad Model Craftsman kit bash award.

Allen Littlefield’s Harris Inspection car. Used an HO ballast spreader mechanism for motive power.

Allen Littlefield’s first Bachman HO 0-6-0T switcher to On30 conversion. First place at the National Narrow Gauge Convention in R.I. in favorite train.