Meet Jim Kellow
My name is Jim Kellow MMR. I love God, country, family, and model railroading, particularly model building.

Welcome to my NEW TRACKS MODELING website. This site is designed to communicate my various activities to promote model building and mentoring through my articles in the model press, my live digital Zoom activities, and my volunteer efforts. All of my activities are designed to introduce model railroaders who want to gain new skills and techniques and/or improve their modeling by meeting some of the most talented modelers in the world and maybe gain a mentor.
I have been writing articles for numerous model railroad publications for over 30 years. Over three years ago I started writing the “New Tracks” series of articles, about modeling and mentoring. They are published in S Scale Resource and O Scale Resource online magazines. You will find a listing of these articles here.
I also host twice weekly, Zoom and live streaming YouTube meetups – Wednesday and Saturday evenings at 7 pm EST. These NEW TRACKS MODELING meetups are live Zoom shows where you can learn model building skills and techniques by meeting and talking with outstanding modelers from around the world. These shows also show some of these modelers actually building a model in short 15-minute segments once a week until the model is complete. You are encouraged to “Build along” with these modelers and have their guidance and help in completing your model. In essence, they become your personal mentor for the build. You can find videos to all of our previous shows on the YouTube playlist and of course, subscribe to this site to attend our upcoming meetups.
In 2020, I hosted three “New Tracks” Zoom virtual train shows, which focused on showing small manufacturers who I believe are critical for bringing new products to our market. These shows were very successful but had to be temporally suspended until I can obtain additional technical volunteers to help produce them. If you want to help please let me know via email and you can see our past Train Shows here.
I am currently the appointed ambassador for the Association of Professional Model Makers (APMM), to the model railroad community. I believe the training and education that model railroaders have makes them perfect candidates to become Professional Model Builders. I am honored to represent the APMM. I encourage you to consider joining this organization with their free membership so you can meet and learn from professional model makers. It had been a great experience for me. For more information please visit their website (APMM (
I have been a Model Railroader since I was about 5 years old and got my first Lionel Train for Christmas. I have been a member of most model railroad associations over the years. I have been a collector of Pre and Post-war Lionel trains and of course had an operating layout, until I retired and lost my basement. I have also modeled in N, HO, S, and O scale. I currently model and have an operating O Scale Traction layout. But my real love is in model building and specifically scratchbuilding. Many of my models have won numerous Model Railroad Modeling contests in First place or Best of Show awards.

Please visit my Facebook page Jim Kellow MMR (Jim Kellow MMR | Facebook) to see my current modeling project and follow it to stay in touch.

I am a life member of the National Model Railroad Association (NMRA) and hold every Achievement Program Award the NMRA offers. I am the seventh person in the world to accomplish this feat which includes the Gold spike award and their ultimate designation of Master Model Railroader (MMR #202). I encourage all model railroaders to participate in the Achievement Program. I believe it is a great educational and skill development program everyone should investigate. Please find out more information about the NMRA and its achievement program and manufacturers discounts available Through the NMRA at their website.
I have served in various elected and appointed positions in the NMRA. These positions include regional VP, Division superintendent, and Regional achievement program chairman for three regions and regional contest chairman for two regions.

As sustaining member of the O Scale Central Association (OSC) add logo. We encourage all O Scale/ gauge modelers to join us in achieving the goals of this Association.
O Scale Central is the new name for the organization promoting 1/48 scale model railroading. We are the national inclusive group for all gauges from O, P48, On3, On30, On2 and including 3 rail scale modeling.
Please visit their website.
Please subscribe to this website to see details about my future events and latest activities. Thanks for visiting, I look forward to meeting you at one of our Zoom shows.