Our corporate donors

Platinum Donors for a $1,000 contribution Amherst Railway Society Inc. Gold Donors for a $750 contribution Silver Donors for a $500 contribution Great Scale Model Train Show in Timonium Produced by Scott Geare Brass Donors for a $250 contribution American Modelsby Karen Bashista Brennan’s Model Railroadingby Dennis Brennan Kershaw Craftsman Read more…

What media tell about us

NOTE: Regarding your location and equipment used to browse the Internet, links in this list may not work for various reasons. 2023/08/08 New Tracks: Challenges, experiences from railroading hobbyCitrus County Chronicle 2023/08/07 New Tracks: Is model building an art form?Citrus County Chronicle 2023/07/09 New Tracks: Here comes the judge!Citrus County Read more…

Jim Kellow

Meet Jim Kellow

My name is Jim Kellow MMR. I love God, country, family, and model railroading, particularly model building. Welcome to my NEW TRACKS MODELING website. This site is designed to communicate my various activities to promote model building and mentoring through my articles in the model press, my live digital Zoom activities, and Read more…