Lets go to the Hobby Shop is our way of supporting the stores that matter most to us.

Mark Poggendorf
Mark Poggendorf will be hosting this segment of New Tracks Modeling as he explores the different aspects and challenges of owning a brick and mortar shop. Mark is the owner of Poggies’ Trains in Santa Rosa, California and is a talented modeler and is working on his MMR certification.
Mark is also a traveling vendor to many train shows from east to west coast. As he travels around the country, he meets many owners of hobby shops and has a chance to discuss the challenges they have in those areas. They talk about ways to better promote their business, layout the stores, save money with different computer helps and how to become successful. Mark will share that knowledge with you as he interviews them live on the show.
This segment of our show is sponsored by the NRHSA or the National Retail Hobby Shop Association. To learn more about them click HERE.
Lets go to the Hobby Shop segments:
Jim Kellow introduces Mark Poggendorf to the show as the new host to “Lets go to the Hobby Shop” and they talk about the NRHSA. Mark then interviews Neil Carnige from Neils N Gauge Trains. They discuss the various aspects of owning a hobby shop. October 19, 2022