Modeling Lifestyle
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Mark your calendar for September 22nd at 7pm Eastern Time to see David Vaughn, President of the O Scale Kings and talented modeler, live on “New Tracks” Modeling Lifestyle show.
David has a lifelong enthusiasm for trains and an admitted loss to physics as a prize winning career due to reading John Armstrong’s “Track Planning for Realistic Operation” instead of physics texts during study hall.
David started Wit and Wisdom Models as a way to “bring John’s (John Armstrong) models, skills, and philosophy to life.” You can see details of his Nighthawks cafe kit that was highlighted as a “Build Along” series on our live shows HERE. Also, see an introduction David made at the first session of that build HERE.
“Modeling Lifestyle”
Click here for info on the next show!!
On October 6, 2022 at 7pm Eastern Time “New Tracks” will offer our next bi-weekly livestream series on our YouTube cannel called: “Modeling Lifestyle”. It will be broadcast using Stream Yard software by our Producers Phil Edholm and Dylan Lambert, and will be available Live on our YouTube Channel, New Tracks Modeling.
The shows will introduce you to a different Featured modeler each show, along with some of their friends. They will discuss their life in modeling, some of their favorite stories, their modeling experiences, opinions about the hobby, and suggestions to help all of us improve our modeling. In effect we will find out how modeling has become a part of their Lifestyle.
Some of these modelers you may have heard about and always wanted to meet. Others may be new to you but I know you will be glad to have an opportunity to meet them.
To join live on these new shows subscribe to our YouTube channel: New Tracks Modeling, and ring the bell to get prior notification of the shows.
David Vaughn will be followed in later biweekly shows on Thursday evenings at 7pm Eastern Time by Gary Rushton, Col T.F. Feely, Bill Davis and many more who are making real differences to our great hobby in these early years of the 21st Century. A complete list of the future modelers and their friends who will be posted on this site.
Previously featured on Modeling Lifestyle:
Click on their names to see the whole article and show.
Mark your calendar for September 22nd at 7pm Eastern Time to see David Vaughn, President of the O Scale Kings and talented modeler, live on “New Tracks” Modeling Lifestyle show. David has a lifelong enthusiasm for trains and an admitted loss to physics as a prize winning career due to reading John Armstrong’s “Track Planning for Realistic Operation” instead of physics texts during study hall. David started Wit and Wisdom Models as a way to “bring John’s (John Armstrong) models, skills, and philosophy to life.” You can see details of his Nighthawks café kit that was highlighted as a “Build Along” series on our live shows HERE. Also, see an introduction David made at the first session of that build HERE.

John Burchnall
On Thursday, September 08, 2022, Modeling Lifestyles presents John Burchnall and his friends on the New Tracks Modeling YouTube channel. Join along with host, Jim Kellow, as we learn more about this exceptional modeler, who is a Life member of the NMRA (National Model Railroad Association), and a person who is very active in promoting model railroading as a hobby through his number of published articles and clinics, mentoring activities, as well as being a founder and builder of the popular Eastern Loggers Modular On30 layout. Learn more by visiting here.
Tom Ferrell was the Modeling Lifestyle quest for August 11, 2022. Tom Farrell is a master scratch builder in On30. His dioramas are extremely detailed and show excellent artistic modeling. The dioramas of various sizes placed on his layout benchwork form a complete model railroad. He has taken his eye for a scene and captured its vision in the models he has built. You will find a variety of details captured in all of his buildings.
July 28, 2022 Modeling Lifestyle featured Cheryl Sassi. Cheryl is not only an excellent creative and artistic modeler, as you will see, she is also recognized as a major promoter of model railroading, a partner with her husband Lou Sassi in their Photography Modeling Business and for helping other modelers achieve their goals. Cheryl is a master of landscape modeling and those intimidating trees, shrubs and flowers. She will talk about her experience and the techniques she has acquired over the years and inspire us all to try a tree or two.
On July 14, 2022 we featured Lou Sassi, MMR. Lou has been collecting and modeling since he was a kid. He has mastered may aspects of the hobby. He started with Lionel trains and then moved on to HO where he build the famous and well photographed West Hoosic Division railroad. He later switched scales and now models the Maine two-foot gauge railroads (notably the SR&RL). Lou has also been active authoring books, making “how to” videos and modeling.
On June 16, 2022 we featured Howard Zane. For decades, world class rail modeler Howard Zane has produced scratch built, custom structures of all kinds in HO and O scales for model railroads – his own, and hundreds if not thousands of others. It stands to reason; he started as a young man in his twenties drawing architectural renderings and building scale structures depicting development and construction projects. To see more of Howard Zane go here.
On June 2, 2022 our first Featured Modeler was Allen Littlefield. I have had the honor to know Allen and have seen some of his outstanding modeling in On30. Allen is not only a modeler who needs to be heard and learned from, he is also to be recognized as a major artist, historian and promoter of model railroading, and particularly On30 modeling. To see more of Allen Littlefield’s modeling, go here.