Welcome to
My Build
Where you Show and Tell us what you built!
Sponsored by The Model Railroad Resource, LLC
Publisher of O Scale Resource and S Scale Resource
My Build is your opportunity to show your model, the prototype that inspires your work, the process, tools and techniques you use, and/or it’s an opportunity to get feedback and questions answered. It is a virtual “show-and-tell” that serves as a monthly capstone for New Tracks participants.

Chris Coarse
Chris Coarse of Conowingo Models is our host for this series. He comes with many years of building and producing his own models. He knows what it takes to put together, be dedicated and stay with it to the end of the completion of a model. He welcomes you all to show off your prized models with us. He will work with you to provide us with the information we need to show off your pride and joys.
My Build Segments are scheduled once monthly throughout the year for the Wednesday New Tracks Meetup. A modeler should submit 1-5 photos or PowerPoint slides and plan for around about 5 minutes to talk about their work and allow for discussion from meetup participants. Submit your work, along with a photo of yourself to Chris at railrunner130@hotmail.com at least a day or two ahead of the meetup, but sooner is better!
Remember, the real learning experience is in the “show and tell” discussion and the additional pictures of how I did it in the videos. Make sure you watch them!
Click on the segments/dates below to see a brief picture preview of the builds.
NOTE! This page is under restructuring as are other pages in this website. It all takes time to do so I will try to keep everything updated based on current events and work on past events in between shows. Webmaster
John Garaty shows off his Corrimal Incline Mine layout in O-16.5 or 2 foot gauge.
My Build – May 29, 2021