The S Scale Resource February/March 2022 Volume 8 No. 3 is available to read (If direct links fail, use links on the magazine “Bill of Lading”/contents)
4 News You Can Use – New Items of Interest
- New from Pre-Size Model Specialties…we now have a reproduction of the old Cliff Line S- scale tunnel portal available in our high quality resin…with permission by Clover House…
- Leadville Designs announces the availability of this Sn3 box car kit…
- We are sorry to have to pass the word that Stan Cedarleaf died on December 30, 2021 at age 79…see the New Tracks column in this issue for more…
- All Aboard Trains has released their New Century Brass switch stand with day target in S scale
- Decal sets covering several Lot Numbers for New York Central, Boston & Albany, and Peoria & Eastern are now available for sale on Richard Brennan’s TT-West website…The boxcar kits (3D kits of the USRA- Design All-Steel 8′ 6″ boxcar) are still available directly from Simon (Parent)…
- Tru-Color Paint continues to bring new colors to their fantastic line up…
9 Drawing for 3D Models By Glenn Guerra
- …I have received some nice comments from people about how they like the planning and thought that goes into making something. That is what we will talk about in this article…
…what are we going to make this item out of?…
…always draw your model in the scale you will build it in…
…let’s go through some examples of things I have done and I will show you some of these points…
27 A New Decoder for an Old Engine – Update By Dan Dawdy
- Last time in the December/January 2022 issue of The S Scale Resource Magazine I had installed a new decoder in an S Helper Service F7A…Of course things went wrong and I broke some of the steps off the shell… don’t ask…I am happy to say it’s finished and ready to go home…
31 The Hole Thing By Steve Wolcott
- Does the thought of drilling dozens of tiny holes for grab irons deter you from building car kits? Or if you do build kits, do you want an easier way to drill all those holes? If so, read on…
33 How I Use the TruGage Coupler Height Gauge Tom Dempsey
35 NewTracks – Modeling with Mentoring from Talented Model Builders and Even from Modelers in Other Hobbies By Contributing Editor Jim Kellow MMR
- Stan Cedarleaf passed on New Year’s Eve.
- I just found out about the passing of Stan Cedarleaf, a friend, and a great modeler. Stan was a guest on my “New Tracks” Zoom show, and I was able to profile him in one of my “New Tracks”articles. He also personally provided his creativity and skills to help me complete some of my modeling projects. I had just contacted him about a new project and got this message in reply.“We are responding to inform you that Stan passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on New Year’s Eve. Unfortunately, there is no one with the passion, knowledge, skills and abilities to continue his work. Best regards, the Cedarleaf Family.”This is a real loss for me personally, and of course to our hobby. Stan was so nice and easy to work with and his creativity was second to none. My condolences to Stan’s family. He will be missed.
- New Tracks Announcements:
- New Tracks “Workshop”
- We are starting a new weekly Zoom project on Saturdays JANUARY 22, 2022 at 1:00 pm Eastern time…
…You can learn the steps, skills and techniques involved in scratchbuilding a model in any scale you want. There are no kits to buy, only the needed scratchbuilding supplies, so cost is at a minimum. Model plans and photos will be used that you can download on your computer at no cost…
…The show’s moderator, Kris Blackmarr, a very talented and artistic modeler, and he, as well as his guests, will guide you through the complete scratchbuilding process, one small step at a time…
- An Inventor Segment June 15, 2022
- Peeyush Garg of the LocoFiTM Team will be our Featured Inventor on my “New tracks” Zoom show June 15, 2022 at 7pm Eastern Time. He will discuss the new features and capabilities of his LocoFiTM control system….
- Subscribe to our New Tracks Modeling Website and YouTube channel
- Please subscribe to our website and verify the confirmation email to get the latest information about what we are planning on our shows and get the Zoom log in link. Also, please subscribe to our YouTube channel, New Tracks Modeling, click the BELL and hit ALL to get notices about all our live streaming YouTube shows and view our past recorded show videos.
- Want to help?? Volunteer to participate in a segment of our show, or help produce our Zoom/YouTube shows.
We are fortunate to have three new volunteers helping us produce our shows. Chris Smith, Dennis Kamper, and Kris Blackmarr. Thanks to all of you for your help.
Everyone who watches our shows has a contribution to make. Offer your help in participating or making and producing our Zoom and YouTube shows, or help with our Website…
…Contact me at and let’s discuss.
The monthly “New Tracks” MY BUILD segments are the opportunity for viewers to have their work featured. You can show off your latest project, modeling technique, new tool, or even give a tip you learned that helped your modeling. Use this opportunity to engage with the New Tracks modeling community for advice on a modeling quandary. Your project doesn’t need to be completed, and it certainly doesn’t need to rival the works of John Allen. In fact, it might be a model that helped you learn and grow from your mistakes…
- New Weekly Wednesday Show Segments:
NMRA CLUBS and DIVISIONS Sponsored by the NMRA
A bi-weekly segment which started April 27 2022…We will be inviting NMRA divisions and clubs from all over the world to talk about what activities and mentoring opportunities they offer..
Let’s Go To Our Hobby Store… This segment will provide a forum where modelers and hobby shop owners can better underst and each others positions on hobby issues and hopefully help each other solve the issues for both of their benefits…
Meet a Modeling Inventor
On our Show June 15 2022 Peeyush Garg of the LocoFi™ Teamwill be our Modeler/Inventor…I hope to expand this segment to include other modelers/inventors and their products…
Remote Switching Layout Operation
On July 13th Heath Hurwitz will show us his small 48 x 10 switching puzzle he calls Human City Junction a variation on John Allen’s Timesaver
- Build Alongs…Our “Build Along” modeling experiences gives you a personal mentor. Join in a great learning experience.
- Kershaw Craftsman Kits – Starting February 9th, Paul Reeves, owner of Kershaw Craftsman Kits, is teaming up with Martin Breckbiel MMR who will build his O scale kit called Stanczack’s Bar
- Sea Port Model Works – Starting February 23, 2022, Bruce Nickerson, owner of Sea Port Model Works, will start building his Kit #H136W A Waterline kit of a 53’ Coastal Steam Passenger Ferry in HO scale…
- Hunterline – Starting March 30, 2022 Rick and Maureen Hunter will start building a Hunterline 50’ Queen Post Covered Bridge. Kits will be available in Standard or Narrow gauge in N, HO, S, and O scales…
- Wit and Wisdom Models – Starting April 6, David Vaughn, owner of Wit and Wisdom Models, will start a Build Along of one of his new John Armstrong inspired kits
- Conowingo Models – Starting May 25, 2022, Chris Coarse owner of Conowingo Models… will be building…KELLOW STATION
- Banta Models – Starting June 1 2022 Bill Banta owner of Banta Modelworks will start a Build Along of his Banta model On30 Caboose kit…
- Now let’s meet some modelers…
- Victor Encalada J.
… since I was a child I loved to create with paint, dough and play with my hands…I have made several sizes of dioramas, being my favorite 1:64 cars. Inspired a lot by the 40s, 50s, 60s and part of my hyperactivity has led me to make the dioramas my escape valve and ideal hobby, they are all part of my life and mood…
- Kenneth L. Anthony
Actually, I have not been building cardboard models all my life. I didn’t start until I was three years old, with railroad model cutouts printed on the back and insides of Kix cereal boxes…The most successful and satisfying cardboard model I ever built came on my East Texas layout. I felt public infrastructure was under-represented in model towns. Modelers generally seemed to build railroad structures, industries, stores, and a few houses. I wanted to model as much of the public facilities that might be in a real city for my courthouse-square town: the courthouse, of course, jail, fire station, post office, city water tower… and a school. Not a one-room little red schoolhouse from 1870, but a school that might appear in a moderate size town in my layout’s 1950s transition period…
How I make Masonry in Cardboard
To be continued next issue… It gets even better.
- Robbie Tonneberger
I am planning on computerizing my 8’ x 16’ American Flyer layout. The layout isn’t typical in that rather than having realistic scenery, I have AF operating accessories that interface with the trains and the users…
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