The O Scale Resource March/April 2022 Volume 9 No. 4 is available to read (If direct links fail, use links on the magazine “Bill of Lading”/contents)
6 News You Can Use – New Items of Interest
- All Nation Line has brought back and released the Chicago & North Western Bay Window Wood Caboose…
- Circuitron, Inc., …And now that we are “standard”, we have decided to offer our own solderless connection system…
- Bruce Blackwood has decided to sell his coupler conversion kit…The first one is made for specifically made for converting Lionel PS-4 flatcars…
- Update from Roger Lewis of Wasatch Model Company. The Dallas P.O. Box is NO LONGER Active! Please use: 27 W. Hammond St. Mundelein, IL 60060…Any questions, please email or call me. 847.83.5862 and please check our Website for more information and pictures.
- Richard Rands of Berkshire Valley Models says: We have just added a new laser cut wood and white metal wagon to our line of O scale (1/48) kits…
- More colors from our friends at Tru-Color Paint…
- The Model Railroad Resource LLC 3D Division is pleased to announce our new trackside details…Three new relay boxes are now available…
- Narrow Gauge Modeling Co. is pleased to announce the acquisition of Grizzly Mountain Engineering O Scale wagons. This new product family makes NGMC the largest provider of horse and people drawn wagons in the hobby market place…
11 Rail Action in Monongahela, Pennsylvania By George Paxon
- I have lived down here in Australia for a long time now…I do have fond memories of growing up in southwestern Pennsylvania though…
38 Trees are Models Too By Biagio
- …Technique for the White Pine…
38 The Wonderful Frustrating, Exasperating, Maddening, Awesome World of SLA 3D Printing By Dan Dawdy
- …I’ll break this down into a few articles and start at the beginning, walking you though my experiences. I will also reference many good YouTube videos on specific subjects that really helped me. There is no reason for me to try and reproduce their information here. And to be clear, we are talking about SLA or resin printing and not filament printing…
72 Pennsylvnia & Pacific RR Modern Engine House By Myles Marcovitch
- Scratch-built Project Using Conventional and 21st Century Techniques…
88 NewTracks Model Railroading By Contributing Editor Jim Kellow MMR
- Stan Cedarleaf passed on New Year’s Eve…
- William K Walthers Inc 2022 College Scholarships…
- New Tracks Announcements
- Jim Allen is the new: “New Tracks” Webmaster…
- “New Tracks” Scratchbuilding Workshops:
- …The show’s moderator, Kris Blackmarr, a very talented and artistic modeler, as well as his guests, will guide you through the complete scratchbuilding process, one small step at a time. After all, that is what mentoring is all about…
- New Weekly Show Segment “The Art Of Detail”
- Starting on January 19th, Darryl Jacobs of Interaction Hobbies will be presenting “The Art Of Detail” segment on our “New Tracks” show. These segments are designed to assist modelers in learning new techniques, using new tools and products, for building and adding details to bring their model railroad to a whole new level…
- An Inventor Segment June 15, 2022
- Peeyush Garg of the LocoFiTM Team will be our Featured Modeler /Inventor on my “New Tracks” Zoom show June 15, 2022 at 7pm Eastern Time. He will discuss the new features and capabilities of his LocoFiTM control system…
- Subscribe to our New Tracks Modeling Website and YouTube channel
- “New Tracks” articles and Zoom events introduce modelers to talented experienced modelers who could become your mentor or at least give you guidance to improve your modeling…
- Want to Help??!!
- Volunteer to Participate in a Segment of our Show, or Help Produce our Zoom/YouTube Shows…We are fortunate to have some new volunteers helping us produce our shows. Chris Smith, Dennis Kamper, Rich Wolfanger, Kris Blackmarr and Jim Allen…
- Share Your Modeling on our monthly “MY BUILD” Sponsored by The Model Railroad Resource LLC.
- As part of our mentoring efforts, “New Tracks” Zoom shows has a monthly feature called MY BUILD sponsored by The Model Railroad Resource LLC, owned by Amy and Dan Dawdy, the publisher of this magazine, and moderated By Chris Course, an excellent modeler and owner of Conowingo Models…The monthly “New Tracks” MY BUILD segments are the opportunity for viewers to have their work featured…If you want to participate
- Learn to Remotely Operate a Switching Layout
- On July 13th, Heath Hurwitz will show us his small, 48″ x 10″ switching layout puzzle he calls Human City Junction, a variation on John Allen’s Timesaver
- Our “Build Along” Modeling Experience gives you a personal mentor. Join in for a great learning experience.
- “Watch Me Build” – These segments are meant for modelers who want to share their modeling efforts and discuss their modeling techniques so others can benefit.
- March 9, 2022 Nathan DeLay will show us some of the HO locomotives, freight and passenger cars he scratchbuilds using Coke cans, including his model of the Duchess of Hamilton which was his first scratchbuilt locomotive. His mentor is Joel Holubec…
- “Ask A Modeling Question”
- These segments are where viewers can ask modeling questions and get answers from other modelers on the show…
- “Remembering Old Kits”
- …Martin Breckbiel, MMR building a Van’s Car Shop and a Train Craft kit. If you have an old kit and want to participate, let me know at
- “Let’s Go To The Hobby Shop”
- Meet local hobby shop owners who may become your new best friend…
- Please meet the APMM Ambassador to India
- Madhu Gubby
- Please meet another modeler from India who is a card modeler and has helped me quite a bit…
- Here are some other modelers who may help your modeling
- Todd Gamble
- I’m am a professional Scenery Artist or Miniature Landscape Artist…
As an Artist, I create landscapes for anything miniature, Christmas Window Display, Personal Model Railroads, Historical Museum Exhibits and Displays, War and Fantasy Gaming Terrain, Dollhouse and more. I have worked in all the popular scales from Z to G…
- Garland Ward
- My name is Garland Ward, I’m from St. Petersburg, Florida, and I’ve loved model trains my entire life…
- Bruce Hirst
- My molds may be hard to classify because the blocks aren’t to any particular scale…
- Graham Barnewall
- My name is Graham Barnewall from Dublin Ireland. I first started seriously collecting diecast construction models in and around 2002, with a few small purchases of models more on the toy side beforehand…
118 A Feed Mill Extension – By Ian Munro
- I recently undertook a project to add grain storage bins to a feed mill located in one of the towns served by my short line railroad which is being built in New Zealand.…
121 Southern Pacific Coastline Update By Robert Poole
- My modeling efforts this year focused on two unfinished places: Santa Barbara and Moorpark (an older small town between Simi Valley and Camarillo)…
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